Tuesday, August 21, 2012



While making a rather noisy trip down the stairs while shooting photographs of the first day of school at Palm View Elementary, I rounded the corner and was greeted by a wall of kindergartners. 

The young students, with a finger over their lips, put the fear of the principal’s office in me. Behaving in line was never my best subject. It was a good thing the principal was my escort and she showed mercy on the first day of class. 

The start of a new school year and the end of the summer vacation is an unofficial season that should be marked on calendars right there with spring, summer, fall and winter. 

And the best thing is, there are only 179 days of school left.

-Grant Jefferies

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fueling Up for Football

As the summer winds down and a new school year looms on the horizon, armies of warriors prepare for a new season of battle on the gridiron, as high school football gets set for its opening kickoff.

Practicing during the day with heat indexes often soaring over 100 degrees, staying hydrated is just as important as hiking, punting and passing.

Here, thirsty players at Bradenton Christian School gather around a watering station, half drinking and half showering in the cool water to temporarily escape from the heat.

But not to fear, by the final weeks of the football frenzy, we will all be wondering where our jackets are and trying to stay warm.

-Grant Jefferies