Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Birds and the Beaks

For several years now, around the start of spring, I have ventured out into the “wilderness” near Creekwood in East Manatee County to photograph sandhill chicks.

Each year the little fuzz-ball chicks have provided cute opportunities. Last year I photographed the chicks peeking out from their mother’s wing. It was a nice moment. Now, how do you top that with something different this year?

This year the chicks surprised even me. While laying on the ground holding a 300mm 2.8 lens, I was watching the little innocent chicks waddle through a patch of flowers, a nice touch I thought, a moment of sibling rivalry erupted and a sword fight ensued. Little beaks were clicking. One chick got a shot to the eye and the other retaliated with a poke in the face.

In my mind, this is cool…work through the itchy grass, focus, exposure, there is something crawling on me… Quickly the hostilities ceased and off they went, another bug meal from mom.

Grant Jefferies

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