Yes, that's a duck! It's having its retina photographed by Laura Price, CEO of Provizion Optics. Laura taught me a thing or two about ducks today. Apart from the fact that they are absolutely charming, and kind of cuddly, there are also interesting tidbits about domestic duck nomenclature:
"Ping," (captured in the above photo while his retina is photographed) is what's known as a Pekin Duck.
When told this I immediately thought of the
meal Peking Duck. Turns out you drop the "g" when just referring to, well, the duck.
Ping is 7 years old and has an increasingly serious set of mobility problems due to his breeding (as a
meal) and his doting owners have constructed a custom wheelchair out of PVC pipes so he can tool around.
That's one lucky duck! In addition to providing a safe haven for their rescued birds and pets - all told there are 7 of them - Laura's company is donating $3200 worth of medical imaging equipment and software including their own RevolutionEyez device to Save Our Seabirds, Inc., of Sarasota.
Here's another picture of Laura Price with a common quail she took under her wing:
As Laura explains, this equipment will allow the staff at Save our Seabirds to transmit, via digital picture or even streaming video, images of a bird's eye to a specialists for diagnosis. This saves a lot of time and expense for all parties involved, and most importantly, reduces the overall stress of a diagnostic trip for the feathery patient.
To learn more about their company, visit
For information about Save Our Seabirds, visit
Lastly, here's a parting shot of another rescue, an Australian Rainbow Lorikeet: